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Mon - Fri 8:00am - 5:00pm (GMT +1)

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Cybersteel Inc.
376-293 City Road, Suite 600
San Francisco, CA 94102

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+44 1234 567 890

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About us

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Explore the wide range of services offered by Fuchs & Kovatsch
  • Steel hall construction
  • Car park construction
  • Boiler scaffold
  • Special constructions

Fuchs & Kovatsch is an experienced company specializing in steel constructions and assembly. Our goal is to provide our customers with customized solutions tailored to their individual needs. Our wide range of services includes the planning, manufacturing, and assembly of steel structures for buildings, bridges, industrial plants, and more. We work closely with our customers to ensure that their requirements are met, and the project is successfully completed. If you are looking for a reliable and experienced partner for your steel construction and assembly needs, Fuchs & Kovatsch is the right place.

Steel hall construction

Our optimized assembly processes guarantee you a cost-effective and smooth execution of your global hall construction projects, whether it's a storage or logistics hall, manufacturing hall including crane runways, or a sports hall.

Car Park Construction

Whether it's a parking deck, split-level system parking garage, or parking ramp, our skilled installers construct your parking facility on time and according to plan. We take care of providing all assembly components, including cranes, lifting platforms, and construction site equipment.

Boiler scaffold

Boiler scaffolds for industrial plants and power plants are one of our specialties in the field of assembly. The highly complex systems require optimal preparation and coordination of the assembly processes.

Plant and apparatus steel construction.

Our consistently SCCp-trained specialist installers also implement the most challenging plant construction projects, both in refineries of the petrochemical industry and in the field of power plants and waste treatment facilities.

Pipe bridges

From the pre-assembly of the pipe bridge on the ground, including equipment, to the lifting with the large crane, even during shutdowns or weekend work, you get everything from a single source.

special constructiond

Special constructions in steel construction include, among others, stadiums, aircraft hangars, and helicopter landing pads on buildings.

Also in this field, our experiences in the assembly area are very diverse and sustainable.

Conveyor technology steel construction

In the field of conveyor technology steel construction, we have extensive experience in the assembly of these structures. Conveyor technology steel construction has been primarily installed by us and our manufacturing partners in the automotive industry, as well as in the configurations of large online retailers and logistics companies.

Roof and wall installations

Our specialists carry out the installation of roof and wall elements in accordance with IFBS guidelines reliably and cost-effectively due to their many years of experience, including edge protection and nets for you.

Employee leasing in metal construction

Take advantage of our employee leasing in the following areas to respond flexibly.

Our specialists are available to you, even at short notice, at fair conditions:

Structural steel fitters, steel structure assemblers for on-site deployment, welders E111 and MAG for the construction site and workshop fabrication, riggers, construction managers, project managers, and crane operators.

Landscape construction and road construction

Both for industrial needs and private customers, we take on your orders for the construction of paths and landscaping, such as terraces, fireplaces, carports, and much more.

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24 hours

About us

Fuchs & Kovatsch is a leading company in the field of steel constructions and assembly work. For many years, we have been providing our customers with the highest quality and precision in the design, manufacturing, and assembly of steel constructions.


Fuchs & Kovatsch GmbH & Co.KG

Eislebener Str. 38 b
06268 Querfurt

+49 (0) 34771 / 732 600

+49 (0) 34771 / 732 602

Social Media

As a leading company in the field of steel constructions and assembly work, Fuchs & Kovatsch places great importance on modern and contemporary communication with its customers and business partners. For this reason, we are also present on social networks such as Facebook.

Copyright 2025 Fuchs & Kovatsch GmbH & Co.KG. All Rights Reserved.
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